
Went to look for the first time in a while...didn't even take me 10 minutes to find an obvious bot. ( )

All it does is respond to the title. sometimes that works out for it....sometimes its horrible. Just a tiny bit down, check the old school cool. down in the comment graveyard is another number name one doing the exact same thing.

Crazy how Reddit decided to have interesting content all of a sudden

As soon as people showed the slightest signs of paying less attention to the Israel-Gaza situation, the entire frontpage is suddenly not enshittified anymore. Wow, look at this insane rapper beef! I haven't seen memes this funny in ages! Hey hockey fans, look at this insane helldivers 2 drama! Of course, all the political... login redirects to

I use, and had trouble logging in from there today. "Too many redirects". I also use the Redirect to extension. When I disabled that, the login link it now takes you to is That, of course, takes you to

Fascinating little window into how literally impossible it can be to post information about criminal behavior by "the powers that be" on Reddit and Youtube ( )

Good thing they were on point about not being willing to host it as long as he showed the guy's face -- everyone knows that videos that show a person's face are strictly forbidden on every social media platform.

An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin - ( )

Hello everyone, check out my announcement post linked above and if you don't know who I am, check out my past post to learn more about me and It would mean a lot of you show your support for my future iniatives inside the fediverse!...

Reddit app data on phone

So, I used the Reddit app a long time ago. I was eventually permanently banned for "report abuse" because I kept reporting people calling for genocide in Gaza. (This after I was banned from every news sub and many more for calling out the IDF's war crimes before it became mainstream.) Anyway. I deleted the app and all the data I...

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