
Imagine that…

Most patients predicted that their worst symptoms when exposed to gluten would be classic lower digestive problems like diarrhea, bloating and cramps. However, none of these occurred during the acute immune responses observed by Anderson’s team. Instead, patients experienced nausea and vomiting. Anderson describes them as,...

My friend complimented how well I'm taking care of my plants and I feel compelled to confess my methods

All of my plants are next to the two spots I usually sit down. So when I have my big water cup out, I share a little with my plants and maybe pet their leafs for a second. It makes me happy to share my cuppy of water with my little plants. Apparently, this works really well and they are all growing like crazy! One of my fellas...

Using DattoRMM to deploy CW RMM via scripting???

Does anyone know how Connectwise RMM does scripting deployments FROM other RMM tools? We are having a tough time trying to figure out how to pass our site tokens through as part of an installation script from DattoRMM, and none of the documentation seems to align correctly. Someone told us it would be something like ...

So I sent an email to the police asking if I should report my husband missing.

I had been debating it. I have been separated from my husband for years, and he has allowed his friends to use his identity and personal property while apart. I don’t really know if that’s legal, because they also carry his ID in their wallet at times. They would also threaten to have me labeled as crazy if I told police...

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

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